22 Unique aquatic/water/sea monsters and creatures. An underwater and a drifting version of each one.
Have your players fight an army of Sahuagin. Aboleths are planning to regain world dominance. Magical encounters with Merfolk. Make your coral reef come to life with a Coral Golem!
Tokens included are:
- Aboleth
- Aboleth Mage
- Chuul
- Coral Golem
- Crab
- Feeder in the Depths
- Jellyfish
- Jellyfish Swarm
- Kapoacinth
- Merfolk Male
- Merfolk Female
- Merrow
- Sahuagin
- Sahuagin Baron
- Sahuagin Champion
- Sahuagin Infiltrator
- Sahuagin Priestess
- Sahuagin Prince
- Sahuagin Scout
- Shark
- Skum
By buying this pack, you will get access .zip file that contains transparant .png files. You will have to manually upload these tokens to your favorite Virtual Tabletop such as Roll20, Foundry VTT, Fantasy Grounds, or Astral Tabletop.