The mad scientist is a strong archetype in the fantasy genre, and the Artificer brings that archetype straight into your roleplaying game.
They are often found in messy workshops covered in tools, gears, and other unrecognizable materials. Many people find them confusing and strange. But the Artificers create the most amazing magical objects or mechanical creatures.
Tokens included are:
- Artificer Alchemist (male/female, multiple races)
- Artificer Battlesmith (male/female, multiple races)
- Artificer Armorer (male/female, multiple races)
- Artificer Artillerist (male/female, multiple races)
- Eldritch Cannon (2 variations)
- Homunculus Servant Owl
- Homunculus Servant Dragon
- Homunculus Servant Robot
- Personal Defender Gorilla
By buying this pack, you will get access .zip file that contains transparant .png files. You will have to manually upload these tokens to your favorite Virtual Tabletop such as Roll20, Foundry VTT, Fantasy Grounds, or Astral Tabletop.