The Aarakocra are giant bird like creatures that live in tribes. They will rarely seek out a life as an adventurer, and only leave the safety of their tribe if the reason is strong enough.
Kenku are birdfolk, but unlike the Aarakocra they don't have wings. Their greatest wish is to be able to fly.
The agile Tabaxi, are catfolk that make great rogues.
The Goliaths are humanoids that live in the cold mountains and poses a natural strength.
Tokens included are:
- Aarakocra Barbarian
- Aarakocra Spellcaster
- Aarakocra Fighter
- Aarakocra Monk
- Aarakocra Ranger
- Tabaxi Bard
- Tabaxi Fighter
- Tabaxi Ranger
- Tabaxi Rogue
- Tabaxi Wizard
- Tabaxi Monk
- Tabaxi Warlock
- Kenku Fighter
- Kenku Monk
- Kenku Ranger
- Kenku Rogue
- Kenku Warlock
- Goliath Barbarian Male
- Goliath Barbarian Female
- Goliath Fighter Male
- Goliath Ranger Male
- Goliath Ranger Female
By buying this pack, you will get access .zip file that contains transparant .png files. You will have to manually upload these tokens to your favorite Virtual Tabletop such as Roll20, Foundry VTT, Fantasy Grounds, or Astral Tabletop.